397g aluat de foitaj(1pachet Tenderflake-Puff Pastry)
250g Dulce de Leche
zahar pudra-pentru decor
zmeura(sau alte fructe!)
Se incalzeste cuptorul la 200C.
Se intinde prima foaie aprox. 33/20cm.In tava se aseaza o hirtie pergament, se aseaza foaia apoi se pune inca o hirte pergament peste foaie ,iar peste se aseaza o alta tava ,in care se pune o “greutate” care sa nu dea voie aluatului sa ‘creasca’ in timpul coptului.
Se coace foaia in cuptor pentru 15 minute dupa care se iau “greutatile”, tava si hirtia de pergament si se mai tine la cuptor inca 5-8 minute pina se rumeneste .La fel se procedeaza si cu a doua foaie.
Se taie fiecare foaie in patrate sau dreptunghiuri(aprox.20!) cu un cutit bine ascutit.Se ia un patrat,se unge cu dulce de leche ,se acopera cu un alt patrat si se repeat cu inca doua sau trei patrate!Pe ultima nu se pune dulce de leche!
Se pudreaza toate cu zahar si se servesc cu fructe!
1 package(397g)frozen puff pastry dough
250g (1cup) Dulce de Leche
2-3tbsp powdered sugar
Raspberries (or other fresh fruit!)
Preheat oven to 200C (400F).
Roll one sheet of the puff pastry into a thin rectangle, about 33/20cm.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper, and place rolled puff pastry. Cover the sheet of puff pastry with another piece of parchment paper, and place another baking sheet on top. Place a weight (a few baking pans!) to help weight down the baking sheets.
Place in the oven, and bake for 15 minutes.
Remove the weights, top baking sheet, parchment paper, and bake for 5-8 minutes more, until the puff pastry is golden brown.
Repeat same procedure with the second puff pastry sheet
Cut each sheet of the pastry into about~20 identical size squares or rectangles with a sharp knife.
Spread one square of puff pastry with a thin layer of Dulce de Leche. Cover with another square of puff pastry. Repeat until you have 4-5 layers of puff pastry. Do not spread Dulce de Leche on the top layer.
Sprinkle the top layer with powdered sugar and serve with fresh fruits!
Original recipes here!
Pofta buna! Enjoy! Bon Appétit!
…buna, ieftina, rapida, consistenta…o tava hraneste 6-8 flaminzi…
…se pare ca e o mincare tipic nord americana, cel putin dupa
…am ales sa o prepar cu sparanghel (asparagus) ca sa raspund invitatiei Alinei (Explora Cuisine) care gazduieste Dulce Romanie pe luna mai, cu “tema” sparanghel (asparagus) si dulce de leche
12felii de piine alba
~250g cascaval ras(se poate si taiat cubulete!)
~500g asparagus curatit
2cup*(sau ~150g) de sunca taiata cubulete
3cup(750ml) lapte
2linguri de ceapa taiata marunt
2linguri mustar Dijon
1/2lingurita sare
*1cup=1pahar de250ml
Cu ajutorul a 2cutite rotunde de taiat prajituri se taie 12rondele si cerculete.
Restul de piine, ramas dupa ce taiem cerculetele se rupe si se aseaza intr-o tava (33cm/23cm) bine unsa cu unt.
Se aseaza un strat cu brinza rasa(sau cubulete) urmatorul cu sunca si apoi ultimul cu asparagus (pastrati un pic de brinza pe care presarati-o deasupra pe asparagus!)
Deasupra se aranjeaza cerculetele de piine.
Ouale se bat cu laptele si se adauga mustarul,ceapa si sarea;aceasta mixtura se toarna peste cerculetele de piine .
Se acopera cu o folie de plastic si se tine la frigider cel putin 6 ore, sau peste noapte.
Se incalzeste cuptorul la 175-180C si se tine in cuptor 55-60 minute.
Se scoate si se lasa sa stea 10-15 minute.Se taie si se serveste calda.
12 slices white bread
~250g grated or diced cheese
~500g(1 pounds) fresh asparagus, trimmed
2 cups or ~150g diced cooked ham
6 eggs
3 cups(750ml) milk
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
2tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
With cookies round cutter, cut 12 circles and holes from bread.
Tear remaining bread in pieces and place in a greased 13in x 9in ( 33cm/23cm)baking dish.
Layer with cheese, ham and asparagus(keep a little bit of cheese aside and sprinkle on top of asparagus); arrange bread circles and holes on top.
Beat eggs with milk, add onion, salt and mustard and mix well. Pour egg mixture over bread circles and holes. Cover and refrigerate at least 6 hours or overnight.
Bake, uncovered, at 325F (175-180C)for 55 minutes or until top is light golden brown. Let stand for 10-15minutes before serving. Cut and serve warm.
Adapted from: Taste of home!
Pofta buna! Enjoy! Bon Appétit!
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